Uncontested Divorce Lawyer

Understanding the Uncontested Divorce Process in Denver

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When an Uncontested Divorce is the Right Choice

Our Uncontested Divorce Lawyer Helps You Begin Your New Life

Divorce is never easy. It is the end of a segment of life that you likely believed would last forever. No one enters a marriage thinking it will end.

Unfortunately, things do not always go as planned, and even relationships that seemed perfect become unsustainable. Life evolves, people change, and unions that once seemed incredibly strong sometimes no longer work, necessitating the assistance of a divorce attorney.

The emotions surrounding divorce are considerable. Often, there is a great deal of animosity over the dissolution of the marriage. Things like child custody, support, visitation legal help, and spousal support often result in fighting.

However, sometimes couples are more amicable and realize that while they are no longer right for each other, they can agree on what is best for their future. If this sounds like the situation you are in, you may be a good candidate for an uncontested divorce.

In simple terms, an uncontested divorce is one where both parties agree to end the marriage and agree on how to move forward (regarding all child support, custody, and alimony).

It is critical to recognize that even if you and your spouse agree, you still need the advice and counsel of an uncontested divorce attorney. The decisions you make during your divorce will become legally binding, so you want to ensure that your rights, and your future, are protected.

Our attorneys at Price Family Law are well-versed in Colorado divorce law and are experienced in guiding their clients through uncontested divorce situations. Reach out to us today to schedule a free consultation and take the opportunity to learn the value we can bring to your particular situation.

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Leverage the Experience and Expertise of Our Uncontested Divorce Attorneys

Our Approach to Serving You

You and your spouse agree on all aspects of how to end your marriage, so everything is great, right? Not always. The fact that you are not fighting over the components of your divorce does not make the process simple. You are still ending an important chapter in your life and are likely facing a host of emotions. Change can be challenging, and even frightening. And managing the divorce process is emotionally draining.

Additionally, divorce law can be complicated, and the decisions which you make today are going to be the basis on which you build your new life. You want to ensure that they are wise ones that will put you in a position to move forward confidently and successfully. Working with a professional who understands the legal technicalities, but appreciates the personal and emotional component, is incredibly valuable.

Our team of professionals at Price Family Law has a reputation for providing high-quality legal advice combined with empathetic and understanding client service. We have years of experience in Colorado and know the ins and outs of both the law and the court systems. We recognize that you are entering uncharted territory and need our support.

Finally, we truly understand that “uncontested” and “unique” are not mutually exclusive terms when discussing divorce. Simply because you and your spouse agree does not mean that you don’t need personalized attention. The terms of your divorce are unique and specific to your family and should be treated as such. We take just as much time understanding your situation, your family, and your hopes for the future as we would if things were much more contentious. We pay attention to everything, big and little, knowing that minor issues today can become major if not handled appropriately.

We work closely with you throughout the divorce process and are always available to answer any questions you may have.

Addressing Your Issues

Our compassionate team recognizes that you will likely have a host of questions regarding your uncontested divorce. As your attorney, we are always available to speak with you. We appreciate that this is new territory, and you don’t know what to expect. In addition, divorce law can be difficult to understand. We encourage you to contact us with any questions you have, whenever they arise. There is no such thing as too many questions or silly questions; all your inquiries and concerns are valid, and we will provide answers that are tailored to your specific situation.

That said, there are a host of questions that can be answered in a more general manner. Below we have shared some of those which we hear most frequently, along with our answers.

When both parties agree to end the marriage and are also on the same page regarding the future of their assets and debts, child support, child custody and spousal support, an uncontested divorce (or dissolution of marriage) is possible. Basically, the individuals must agree on everything.

In Colorado, the minimum amount of time it takes to finalize an uncontested divorce is 90 days. However, when minor children are involved, the time frame can be longer.

Legally, you do not need to hire a divorce lawyer in Colorado for an uncontested divorce. You can handle the process yourself. However, you should consider engaging one. This professional can help manage the process, answer your questions, and provide valuable advice and counsel; you want to ensure the decisions you are making are wise. It is really important that you have your own attorney; do not share one with your spouse. You want to make sure that there is someone who is looking out for you, and the attorney for your spouse will have their best interests at heart. When you work with a seasoned divorce attorney, you can rest assured that all required paperwork will be completed and submitted appropriately.

Yes, if you and your spouse agree on all aspects of raising your children (including child custody, visitation, and child support), then you can file for an uncontested divorce.

Yes, there is. If you and your spouse can reach a consensus, you can always move to an uncontested divorce. It is cases like this where we can be particularly helpful. Because we are not involved in your relationship, we can bring a sense of rationality to the process. Negotiating from a position of calm is often exactly what is needed to help two people overcome their differences. Once all terms are agreed upon, we can help you move forward with your uncontested divorce.

Not yet. In order to file for divorce in the state of Colorado, the law (Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 14-10-106) states that either you or your spouse must have been a resident of the state for more than 90 days.

At face value, an uncontested divorce seems simple. But there is a lot to consider. If you believe an uncontested divorce is the right decision for your family, but you have additional questions, reach out to our legal team to schedule a free consultation. We are happy to meet with you, review your situation and answer any questions you may have. We can be reached at 720-615-1750.

Understanding an Uncontested Divorce in Colorado

Denver Couples Filing for an Uncontested Divorce Must Agree on Many Things

Disagreement, on a host of issues, is common when couples decide to divorce. Those who are able to work together and agree on a number of important factors may be able to file for an uncontested divorce. This process often moves more quickly and is less costly.

Those who wish to file for an uncontested divorce must agree upon the following issues:

  • General Finances: The division of all marital property and debts
  • Children: Child custody, support, and parenting time
  • Spousal Support: Alimony.

Basically, there cannot be any disagreement, and both parties must also agree to the divorce in general. If you cannot reach a consensus on the points above (or any other issues regarding the dissolution of your marriage), you would not be able to file for an uncontested divorce.

Filing for an Uncontested Divorce in Colorado

If you and your spouse both concede that you want to end your marriage (based on the fact that your marriage is irretrievably broken) and you agree on the terms of the divorce (as set out above), you are in a good position to file for an uncontested divorce. However, you must also meet all the requirements the state has determined.

Colorado has instituted residency requirements for couples seeking divorce in the state.

Basically, you or your spouse must have been a state resident for more than 90 days prior to filing. And you must produce a written separation agreement that will state how property and debts will be divided, how child custody, support, and parenting time modification case will be handled, and how spousal support will be managed (if at all). At Price Family Law, a trusted spousal support law firm, we can guide you through drafting this document, making sure you take into account all aspects of your life so that it is created with an eye toward the future.

In Colorado, the divorce begins by completing several forms, including one for the dissolution of your marriage. This paperwork must be filed in the county court (with the court clerk). You or your spouse must live in the district where you file. Note that you can file jointly or by yourself; we can help you determine what is best for your situation.

If you do not have children, you may not need to participate in a hearing. In cases like this, our team would submit an Affidavit for Decree without appearance. This step is critical; failure to so file means a hearing would be mandatory.

Once all of your documents are complete and reviewed by the judge, a decree of dissolution of marriage will be issued. The judge can sign this if it has been at least 91 days since your initial petition was filed.

What Are the Requirements for an Uncontested Divorce when a Child is Involved?

While an uncontested divorce is possible if you and your spouse have minor children, the process is a bit more restrictive. First of all, the residency requirement is significantly greater than the “at least 90 days” applicable to couples without children. In fact, you or your spouse must have been a Colorado resident for at least 182 days (or since the children were born if they are younger). This is more than half a year.

Additionally, the law (Colo. Rev. Stat. § 14-10-120.3 (2021)) states that unless you and your spouse each have legal representation, have submitted an affidavit for decree without appearance and have completed and signed a document explaining child support, parenting time and custody, you will have to appear in court. If you have disagreements regarding child custody, contact a child custody lawyer. You cannot file for an uncontested divorce.

At Price Family Law, our team is well-versed in Colorado divorce law and can help ensure that you meet all requirements regarding the best path to your future.

Attorney Trista Price

Trista McElhaney Price is a founding partner at Price Family Law, LLC. She specializes in high-asset divorce cases and legal matters involving complex business and financial issues as well as complex custody matters involving domestic violence, substance abuse issues, and mental health issues. Read Full Bio.

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    Price Family Law – Your Best Choice for an Uncontested Divorce Attorney in Denver

    Experience, Knowledge, and a Focus on Client Service

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    Price Family Law has developed a reputation for providing the highest quality family law services to its clients in Denver and the surrounding area. Our attorneys are highly regarded for their technical knowledge of the law and experience in the local court system.

    But what truly sets us apart from others in the industry is our approach to service. We appreciate the emotional strain divorce brings, even when it is uncontested. The life to which you have become accustomed is about to undergo considerable change, which can be stressful. Additionally, even when relationships are no longer sustainable, permanently ending them can be sad. At one point in life, you planned to be together forever, and now forever is ending. Focusing on the many legal requirements of a divorce can be overwhelming.

    When you work with our attorneys, you can rest assured that we will manage the legal process on your behalf. We take the time to meet with you to gain an in-depth understanding of your family dynamic – both what it was and what you want it to be. It is our goal to help make your view of the future possible, protecting your best interests and those of your minor children.

    We are always available to answer your questions and address your concerns; it is important that you understand what is happening. Knowledge is power, and we believe it is our responsibility to provide you with the power to embark upon your new life.

    While it may seem as if an uncontested divorce is something you can manage simply on your own, we strongly believe in the value we bring to the process. Take advantage of our experience and let us help you peacefully close one chapter of your life and open the door to a bright and exciting tomorrow.

    Because we value relationships, we always offer prospective clients a free consultation. Working with someone with whom you feel comfortable and knowing that you can trust them is so important. We invite you to contact us at 720-615-1750 schedule an appointment and share your story. After learning more about you, we can explain the value we can bring to your situation and how we can help you move forward.