Denver Alimony Lawyer


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Spousal Maintenance in Colorado

Our Denver Spousal Support Lawyers Help You Move Forward

Divorce is the end of something that is both wonderful and terrible. For many, it is a necessary step to living the life they want. But it doesn’t come without a cost, both emotional and financial. Regardless of how hard it may seem, you can’t ignore that financial aspect. While it may seem surprising, consulting with a Denver spousal support lawyer might protect your financial future as well as make the emotional toll less draining.

Determining financial support after marriage can be difficult and contentious.

Individual incomes are not always comparable; how do you quantify the intangibles that were vital to caring for your family and managing your home? We can help.

Things are about to change, but they should be equitable. Getting your spouse to agree can be a challenge. Working with an experienced Denver alimony attorney who not only understands the law but also appreciates how stressful this time can be is in your best interests.

The spousal support attorneys at Price Family Law know Colorado divorce law inside and out and are experienced at providing advice and counsel during the alimony negotiations common during divorce.

Contact us today at 720-615-1750 to schedule a free consultation.

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Concerned About Spousal Support? We Can Help.

Why Choose Price Family Law?

Embarking on a new life does not mean the past is forgotten. Quite the contrary. The specific characteristics of a marriage determine both responsibility and assistance for the future.

The spousal support lawyers at Price Family Law are uniquely qualified to help you navigate this process. The combination of our experience, skill, and approach makes us the firm of choice for those seeking expert spousal support law firm services. Consider why:

  • Experience: Our firm, led by our partner Trista Price, is well-versed in the laws governing alimony and support and is familiar with the local Denver courts. We understand how the specific laws can impact your particular situation, and we know the personalities and tendencies of the opposing counsel and judges.
  • Skill: Successfully negotiating spousal support can be like walking a tightrope. Our team approaches each case with the right balance of aggressive negotiation and thoughtful communication.
  • Approach: We have committed to providing all our clients with hands-on, responsive service. We will walk you through the process, taking the time necessary to understand the intricacies of your relationship with your ex and of your finances.

Under any circumstances, ending a marriage is difficult. However, when the process moves from amicable to contested, emotions run high, and the process often becomes nasty. The value of a seasoned contested divorce lawyer cannot be overstated.

Contact us at 720-615-1750 to schedule a free consultation.

Our Spousal Maintenance Lawyers Know Colorado Alimony Law

Determining Alimony in Colorado

In Colorado, alimony is often referred to as spousal support, and guidelines regarding it are determined by a law that took effect in January 2014. The following guidelines apply to a marriage that is at least three years old, when the couple’s adjusted gross income is below $240,000; they can be adjusted at the discretion of the court:

  • Economic Factors: This includes each person’s adjusted gross income, financial resources, and opportunity for potential income. Additionally, courts will look at incomes individually.
  • Support: Did the actions of one spouse allow the other to continue their education or advance in their career?
  • Temporary Spousal Support: If this has been in effect, the court will review how much has been paid and for how long.
  • Marital Lifestyle: This refers to the way of life to which you and your spouse have become accustomed.
  • Date of Marriage: The length of time you were married will impact support settlements.
  • Distribution of Marital Property: How assets were divided during the divorce plays a role.
  • Personal Details: This Includes factors such as the age of both spouses and their health (whether either has significant medical issues).

Understand this list is not comprehensive; each case is composed of unique circumstances. The court can include additional factors to review should they deem them important. As a Denver high asset divorce attorney, we are experienced in helping families in all income brackets, both those who fall under the income threshold stated above and those who are of higher net worth

Spousal Support Types in Colorado

One size rarely fits all. Colorado alimony laws take this into account. Several types of alimony can be awarded:

Temporary Support or Alimony: This type of support is often seen when one spouse is the primary earner in a family and the couple is no longer “sharing income.”  This is designed to provide much-needed assistance during the divorce process. Consulting with a Denver family lawyer can help clarify the nuances of this arrangement.

Rehabilitative Support or Alimony: Quite often in a marriage, one spouse pursues a career while the other assumes responsibility for the home and family. This investment of time and energy is valuable and critical to the working partner’s success. Divorce signals the end of a singular household and a change in the way of life. An alimony attorney will seek compensation for that time spent not working or assistance for that partner to gain their own skills.

Reimbursement Support or Alimony: In some situations, one spouse financially supported the career training or education of the other, resulting in a certain job and income level. During the marriage, these earnings benefited both parties. However, once divorced, only the educated or trained individual will continue to benefit. In cases like this, support can be ordered to make things more equitable.

Permanent Support or Alimony: In very specific situations, one spouse is unable to care for themselves for any one of a variety of reasons (disability, illness, age, etc.). In cases like this, permanent support may be ordered.

Our spousal support lawyers understand the intricacies of the different types of alimony and can help identify which is fair and appropriate in your situation and support your claims in court.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Alimony/Spousal Support

Our Spousal Maintenance Lawyer Addresses Some Common Concerns

Looking toward your financial future, you probably have questions about alimony. Nearly all our clients do. Divorce is as major a financial leap as getting married or landing your first job. The following questions are some of the most common that our clients ask.

Does my soon-to-be ex-spouse have to pay alimony if I had an affair during the marriage?

They might. According to Colo. Rev. Stat. § 14-10-114(1)(c) (2021), marital fault is not taken into consideration when alimony is determined; thus, it is not applicable in alimony discussions. That said, if infidelity impacted your family’s financial position, it could be considered. As your Denver alimony lawyer, we would present evidence that your infidelity didn’t harm your family’s finances and work to get you the support to which you are entitled.

My spouse has not paid my support as determined by the courts. Do I have any recourse?

Yes, you do. As your Denver alimony lawyer, we can request a lump-sum payment (if your ex has the assets). This would alleviate the concern of non-payment in the future. The court can also directly withhold the support from his/her paycheck. Continuous issues can result in punishment such as monetary fines, license revocation, and even jail.

Are there time limits regarding the duration of alimony payments in Colorado?

Yes. First, if you were married for less than three years, you likely would not be eligible for any spousal support. For time longer than that, the Colorado Maintenance Duration table determines the amount of time an individual is entitled to alimony payments. That said, for longer marriages, those over 20 years, the court would determine the appropriate length of time for alimony.

My ex and I have children. Will my alimony impact my child support?

Yes, it will. Alimony is considered income, and your ability to pay your portion of the costs associated with caring for your children is based on your income. When your income is increased because of alimony, it is not surprising that your child support may decrease.

I have had a significant change in my income, can I file for changes to my spousal support?

Yes, you can. Colorado law recognizes that life rarely remains static. Thus, if you have had a change (lost a job, decreased income, or even illness or disability), your spousal maintenance attorney can petition the court to modify your agreement. This request can be made by either spouse — the one paying or the one receiving the support.

This list of questions is not all-encompassing. If you need answers to case-specific questions, ask them during your free consultation.

Attorney Trista Price

Trista McElhaney Price is a founding partner at Price Family Law, LLC. She specializes in high-asset divorce cases and legal matters involving complex business and financial issues as well as complex custody matters involving domestic violence, substance abuse issues, and mental health issues. Read Full Bio.

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    Work with Our Denver Spousal Support Attorneys

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    Contact Our Denver Spousal Maintenance Lawyer Today

    When your financial future is at stake, the services of a skilled and reputable spousal maintenance attorney are invaluable.

    The laws governing alimony can be complex, and your ex will be looking to leverage them on their behalf. Don’t try to manage this alone. 

    Ready to take a positive step in your emotional and financial future? Contact Price Family Law at 720-615-1750 and schedule a free consultation with an experienced family law attorney.