price family law

price family law
As a divorced parent, you likely remember the stress and uncertainty regarding the custody of your children during your divorce proceedings. Even in the most amicable of separations, determining parenting time can be contentious. Because you were used to living and working as a team, moving from one to two households was a big adjustment, as was becoming accustomed to not being hands-on, 24-7, in your child’s life.
Now you have likely grown comfortable in your new normal. However, the passage of time brings about new challenges. Your child is getting older and your life has evolved. Maybe you changed jobs or need to care for an aging parent. Perhaps you have met someone and are considering relocating. Quite often, these changes can require adjustments to your parenting time agreement.
You are not alone. In fact, requests for parenting time modifications are common.
Your initial parenting time agreement centered around the best interests of your child. Colorado law understands that as time goes by, your child’s needs will change. Thus, a process is in place to make modifications.
If your lives have changed significantly, alterations to your parenting time agreement may be necessary. In order to appropriately navigate the legal process, engaging experienced child custody lawyer is a good decision. These professionals can help you manage the process, document the reasons for your request, and clearly share how you wish to amend the original document.
At Price Family Law, our team has broad experience in family law, including modifications of previously drafted and signed agreements. The value of the service we provide is significant, and we are well-known for both our attention to detail and attentive service. Reach out to our firm today at 720-615-1750 to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to learning more about your family and helping you to better address your current needs.
When you and your ex initially negotiated your parenting agreement, a number of things were taken into account. These included the physical and emotional needs of your children; the wants of you and your ex; location; and relationships with extended family. In cases where it was appropriate, the wishes of the child may also have been considered. Finally, instances of substance abuse, neglect, and child abuse also may have influenced the decisions.
When changes to these factors occur, the life of your child is impacted — and not always for the better. When this is the case, it may be time to modify your agreement.
The specifics determined by your agreement are important. Some of the things identified include:
Changes can be made to any or all of the things listed above, but they must be made formally in order to be enforceable in the future.
Parenting time agreements determine a framework for the time spent with parents. The law relies on these documents as they were created and signed with the best interests of the children at heart. Thus, under Colorado law, changes can be made, but processes are in place to ensure that they are truly necessary.
It makes sense that making minor changes to your parenting time agreement is significantly easier than changing the majority custody decisions. However, you may not realize how involved major alterations can be.
Colorado law C.R.S. 14-10-129(2) identifies 4 conditions that must be met in order to change the majority parent. These are:
When parents do not agree, a Motion to Modify Parenting Time can be filed. Mediation may be ordered and, if that fails, the court will hold a hearing. The team at Price Family Law is experienced in representing its clients in Denver family court, successfully proving the necessity of their requests, and advocating for the best interests of their children.
If you have pressing concerns, like the safety and well-being of your child, we can help you file a Motion to Restrict Parenting Time. These issues are deemed time-sensitive, and hearings will be scheduled within 14 days.
If your life has undergone significant change, and you are looking to modify your parenting agreement to provide for your minor child, it’s only natural that you have a host of questions. There is a lot going on, and the custody process on which you are embarking can be confusing.
Of course, we cannot provide answers to specific questions; but we can respond to some of the more general concerns which tend to arise. Below we have shared some of the most common questions and the responses of our parenting time modification lawyers.
When you are looking to amend a legal document that dictates the care for your children, engaging an experienced family attorney is a good choice. Proving the necessity of your request will be required, as will the completion and submission of specific paperwork. You want to ensure everything is done correctly, as required by law. And, in cases where your ex opposes your request, a skilled attorney can argue your case appropriately, improving the chance that your request will be granted.
If you are looking to modify your initial plan, and no modifications have been made since it was signed, there are no time restraints. If modifications have been made in the past, the law (C.R.S. 14-10-129(1.5).) does restrict the timing. Changes cannot be requested within two years of a prior modification. Of course, if your child is in danger, exceptions apply.
In order for your changes to be enforceable by law, they must be certified by the court. Your parenting time modification attorney can explain the most effective and efficient way to do this when your changes are mutually agreed upon or when opposition exists.
In Colorado, you must file your modification request with the court in which you created your initial parenting plan. There is a process in place for families who have relocated. In that situation, you would file the motion in Colorado, along with a request to move the case to the location where your child currently lives.
This truly depends upon your particular situation as well as the nature of the request. It makes sense that modifications with which both parents agree would be easier to make. When the parents have opposing views on the changes, the process can be more challenging. The child modification attorneys at Price Family Law are experienced in both situations and can help you achieve the outcome you desire.
You no doubt have additional and more specific questions, and our team is ready to address them. We offer all prospective clients a free consultation.
Determining child custody and parenting time is emotional.
Believing they will fight tirelessly for you is critical — your family’s future depends upon it. Contact us to schedule a consultation. We look forward to learning more about your situation and sharing the unmatched support we are prepared to provide.
If you need to make changes to your parenting time agreement, your first step should be to contact a parenting time modification attorney. The laws in Colorado surrounding custody modification and parenting time modifications are complex, and the associated paperwork is confusing.
When you choose Price Family Law, we will meet with you to gain insight into your current situation. We need to understand the details regarding the parenting plan that you have in place as well as the changes you wish to make and the reasons for them. Based on this information, we can help you determine the best way to approach the situation.
Price Family Law places a premium on making sure we understand the entirety of your situation. Good choices and a successful strategy depend upon our having all the details.
Once we have this knowledge, we can assist you in completing and submitting a petition to modify your parenting plan. Managing the entire process is our responsibility.
price family law
The Price Family Law team has extensive experience both in modifying agreements and in working with the local family courts. When you work with us, you can rest assured that all documentation is submitted completely, correctly, and in a timely fashion.
Additionally, we have a reputation for the high-level client service we offer. Family law is best provided by professionals who are not only technically proficient but who also appreciate the personal nature and emotional importance of the cases they handle.
Price Family Law is that firm. Time and time again our clients have said that the team places a premium on active listening, recognizing that each family is unique as are the circumstances surrounding their parenting agreement and their need to make modifications. We pay attention to every detail, understanding that what may seem minor upon an initial review can actually be a critical issue. Whether you need assistance with parenting plan changes or require guidance from a skilled child support attorney, we are committed to providing the tailored support you deserve.
When we represent you, we leverage the combination of legal knowledge, modification experience, and our proven approach to obtain a favorable outcome on your behalf. Price Family Law is recognized for:
Our lead attorney Trista Price is committed to providing families in Denver and the surrounding area with the highest quality service. She and our firm are ready to go to work for you and help you get the modification you need.
Accelerating the process to modify your parenting agreement is important. The changes you are requesting are paramount for your child. We understand that you want to effect change as quickly as possible, so our team is ready to go to work for you right away.
Contact us at 720-615-1750 and schedule your free consultation today.