price family law
When parents and former spouses cannot agree on divorce, custody, and other family matters, courts and judges make rulings. The outcomes of these contested hearings are often unfavorable to at least one side.
While simply not liking an outcome does not provide sufficient grounds for appeal, a trial court that abused its discretion or made a ruling contrary to state law could be grounds for an appeal and taking your case to an appellate court. An appeal is a request for a higher court to review a lower court’s decision.
Request Free ConsultationYou deserve only the best representation for your first appeals. We have a team of lawyers who are conversant with the important steps related to appeals. Your case does not need to be dropped altogether; you still have a fighting chance with us.
At Price Family Law, you will work with a Colorado family law appeals attorney who has experience reviewing various family law cases and finding grounds for appeal. Because the appeals process is complex, an experienced and resolute appellate attorney will be an invaluable asset. We also offer free consultations to help us learn more about possible appeal of your case. You can easily call us at 720-615-1750.
Price Family Law attorneys are determined to help you file a successful appeal, using our advanced knowledge and experience to represent you to the best of our abilities. We have continually fine-tuned this for years, thanks to our clear understanding of Colorado family law.
Price Family Law is in the business of helping you handle the legal process while keeping you in the loop, so you will understand everything about the legal aspects of your case and proceed with confidence.
Finally, we help by offering an objective viewpoint of your case and preventing emotions from unduly influencing your decisions and judgment. Our team works tirelessly just to ensure that you have the best possible outcome for you and your family.
While the appeals process can be complicated, your chosen Colorado family law appeals attorney can petition the court to change a decision by appealing a lower court’s ruling. Doing so, however, requires that certain circumstances and legal requirements are met. In order to argue for a successful appeal, our team will look for one or more of the following:
If our appellate attorney team can identify any of the above factors that could have affected your ruling, a successful appeal may be possible. While the appellate process does not involve the introduction of new evidence or testimony, it provides an opportunity to identify a lapse or error in the preceding legal processes.
Your family law attorney or an attorney experienced with the appellate process should review your case if you think there are grounds for an appeal. The first step will be to look for a legal basis for an appeal. Remember, an appeal cannot advance without a solid legal basis even if you’re unhappy with a court and the judge’s decision.
In addition to reviewing the facts and procedural aspects of your case, your Colorado appellate attorney can help with:
There are strict deadlines; a notice of appeal must be filed within 49 days of the court’s issuing of final orders. When you entrust your case to Price Family Law, you can rest assured that your appellate filings will be on time and well done.
If you have been dealt with unjustly by the courts, or if lawyers or a judge made a mistake during court processes, you deserve a second chance and your case deserves another look. If facts were misrepresented in your case, a resulting improper decision could significantly affect your rights, responsibilities, and freedoms in terms of settling a divorce or even visiting your child.
In family law, various court orders and decisions can be given a second look via the appeals process if there are sufficient legal grounds for doing so. Especially in complex cases, consulting with a child custody lawyer can provide insights into whether there are valid grounds for appeal. Especially in complex cases, consulting with a child custody lawyer can provide insights into whether there are valid grounds for appeal. Court orders pertaining to divorce agreements, child custody, property division, child support, and other areas could all have bases for appeal.
Colorado has laws determining how a couple’s property is divided during a divorce. While couples can come to a mutual agreement as to who gets what, divorce lawyers and courts often have to step in to determine the distribution of property.
While Colorado couples are entitled to equitable property division, if a court has improperly decided to give property to an opposing party, an appeal may be possible. Designating property as marital property or separate property affects ownership, and an appellate court can review a trial judge’s decision concerning the equitable division of property.
While courts tend to prefer a situation where parents jointly make major decisions for their child and share in parental responsibilities, joint allocation requires collaboration. A parenting plan imposed by a court may also limit visitation time for the parent with whom the child does not reside. A child custody agreement and visitation agreement should serve the best interests of the child, first and foremost.
If visitation conditions do not meet a child’s best interests or if a court abused its discretion in granting sole custody or decision-making abilities to only one parent, contacting our child custody lawyer and filing an appeal may be your best option to resolve an unfair child custody agreement.
If parents cannot reach a child support agreement on their own, it’s often wise to consult with a child support lawyer. The court will decide for them if an agreement isn’t reached. While each parent’s income and other factors determine child support payment amounts, the court can increase or decrease that amount in its discretion.
Judges seek to make sure that the amount of child support provides for a child’s best interests; but if a court abused its discretion, an appeal may be in order.
Many factors go into deciding the need for and amount of spousal maintenance, such as income and financial disparities, asset division, and length of a marriage. If you believe there has been an oversight in your case, consulting a spousal support law firm can offer guidance. A judge may make an appealable error in deciding for or against the need for spousal maintenance payments.
The appeals process can be complex and involve the application of specific laws and legal knowledge. While you probably primarily wish to know if your appeal will succeed, you may have several other questions about the process. Below are several common questions that our appeals lawyer receives.
How long do I have to appeal an order issued by a court?
The deadlines for filing an appeal are strict. A notice of appeal must be filed within 49 days of the final order’s being issued by the court. If the deadline passes, you may lose your ability to file an appeal, and the court’s ruling will stand. Because cases take time to review, you should contact an appeals attorney in Colorado as soon as you can if you would like to seek an appeal. If 49 days have passed since a written order was issued, a court’s decision cannot be appealed. It can, however, still be modified in some situations. Our appeals lawyer can provide more information if this applies to your case.
Where do I start with appealing a court decision?
Contact us for an appeals lawyer in Colorado as soon as you’ve decided that you would like to file an appeal. The legal processes surrounding appeals can be complicated, so it’s imperative to enlist a lawyer’s assistance. Our appellate lawyer will review your case to see if there is a legal basis for filing an appeal.
The opposing party has appealed a court’s decision that was in my favor. Can you help me affirm the court’s decision?
Yes. If you oppose an appeal and want a court decision to stand, your chosen appeals lawyer can review your case and consult on the ruling. If you’re an appellee, as opposed to an appellant, our appeals attorney can help to defend a trial court’s decision and work to explain why a court ruled correctly.
How likely is it that my appeal will be successful?
Not liking a family court’s ruling or thinking that it is unfair will not get your appeal very far. There must be an abuse of discretion or similar legal shortcoming that an attorney can identify and point to in order to demonstrate that a court’s order should not stand. The role of judges and the courts is to decide fairly, but if an error occurs or if a legal element is overlooked, a successful appeal may be possible.
Contact our Colorado appeals attorney, who can provide more information about the appeals process and how it pertains to your case. While no attorney can guarantee an outcome after filing an appeal, speaking with an attorney and learning more about where your case stands can be especially helpful.
After reviewing your case, an appellate court will usually reach one of the following four results:
There are more possible outcomes than a court’s decision simply being affirmed or reversed. Therefore, the outcome of a case in an appellate court might still not provide a final decision.
price family law
Appeals courts follow strict rules and deadlines, and it often takes a skilled attorney to be able to discern any legal irregularities that may underlie the case of an appeal. Seek the assistance of an appeals attorney at Price Family Law Firm, one who has significant appellate experience in family law matters. We will help guide you through the appellate process and give your appeal our best efforts.
By truly believing in clients and taking time to learn the details about a client’s case and situation, our appeals attorneys provide compassionate representation. For a free consultation and to find out about how we can best serve you, give us a call at 720-615-1750 today.