Types of Protection Orders in Colorado

Types of Protection Orders in Colorado

Colorado Law Protects Those Who Need it Most Relationships are filled with ups and downs.  Unfortunately, sometimes they disintegrate to the point where the safety of one individual and/or their children is of issue. The state of Colorado recognizes this and has safeguards, referred to as protection orders, in place to help those who fear… Read More.

How to Obtain a Restraining Order in Colorado

How to Obtain a Restraining Order in Colorado

Protecting Your Well-Being Is Always a Priority When your safety is at issue, immediate and decisive action is imperative.  Not all relationships last forever. Some couples simply grow apart, while others face specific issues that fuel their separations. Unfortunately, at times, either the reasons for the divorce or its impact places one person in danger… Read More.

What to Do if a Restraining Order is Filed Against You in Colorado

What to Do if a Restraining Order is Filed Against You in Colorado

Taking Action When Your Future Is in Question Restraining Orders Change Lives As the recipient of a restraining order, you are likely feeling a host of emotions, especially if you believe the request was granted in error. Knowing what to do and what not to do in situations like this is important; your actions can… Read More.

How Does Domestic Violence Impact Divorce in Colorado?

How Does Domestic Violence Impact Divorce in Colorado?

Domestic violence can have devastating and far-reaching impacts on a family. In many cases, it serves as the impetus for divorce — and, as you might imagine, it can have a significant effect on the outcome and on the divorce proceedings themselves. So how does domestic violence impact divorce in Colorado exactly? Here’s what you… Read More.

What Is Considered Child Endangerment In Colorado?

What Is Considered Child Endangerment In Colorado?

Child Endangerment Is Complicated Safeguarding Your Family Is a Priority Are you concerned about the welfare of your child or children? If so, you do have options for action, but whether or not you can leverage the law on your behalf depends upon what is actually happening. As you likely know, parents’ beliefs regarding appropriate… Read More.

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    Attorney Trista Price

    Trista McElhaney Price is a founding partner at Price Family Law, LLC. She specializes in high-asset divorce cases and legal matters involving complex business and financial issues as well as complex custody matters involving domestic violence, substance abuse issues, and mental health issues. Read Full Bio.


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    452 South
    Denver, Colorado 80246

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