Colorado Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Professional Advice and Counsel When Divorce is Amicable

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Colorado Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Change can be challenging — but when it is for the right reasons, the outcome provides welcome closure. This is particularly true when two people elect to peacefully end their marriage and file for divorce.

While in many cases divorce is adversarial and the process complicated by anger, there are instances where the decision to separate has been reached calmly and the parties involved are committed to ending their marriage and moving forward in a harmonious fashion.

Without a doubt, a collaborative divorce, where the parties are committed to working together, is certainly the preferable situation, but this does not mean couples should move forward on their own. The legal process is multifaceted and the laws complex.

Engaging a reputable Colorado collaborative divorce attorney to represent you is important.

You want to ensure that the choices you make are in your and your family’s best interests.  And let’s not forget, even the most amicable separations are based on the decision to end a relationship. You cannot foresee future emotional outbursts, changes of mind, and unexpected problems. Having a seasoned professional on your side can help mitigate issues and protect you.

At Price Family Law, our team is experienced in managing collaborative divorces in Colorado. We understand the laws in the state and are committed to providing our clients with hands-on, responsive service, always paying attention to all of the details.

Contact us today at 720-615-1750 for a free consultation. During this meeting we can gain a better understanding of the specifics of your situation and can share how we would approach your case.

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Why Work with Price Family Law?

We Understand the Intricacies of Collaborative Divorce

Not all divorces are contentious, but even those couples who pledge to be the best of friends should engage legal representation during their divorce proceedings. Collaborative doesn’t necessarily mean without disagreement.

Trista Price and her team at Price Family Law have handled countless collaborative divorce proceedings in Colorado. They appreciate their clients’ desires for amicable separations but understand the importance of providing independent counsel to protect their futures. They are ideally positioned to represent you. Consider their . . .

  • Experience: The attorneys have extensive experience in divorce law in general, and collaborative divorce specifically. Based on the work they have done, they know where issues tend to arise and are adept at diffusing them. They also realize that good intentions don’t always lead to reasonable results. They pay attention to not only the decisions being discussed but also how they will impact the future.
  • Knowledge: Experience is important, but it needs to be supplemented with a complete understanding of the intricacies of the law. The team at Price Family Law is well-versed in Colorado collaborative divorce law. We leverage this on behalf of our clients as we finalize their collaborative divorces.
  • Philosophy: Family law, under which divorce law falls, is perhaps the most personal branch of the profession. As attorneys, we take our responsibility to clients seriously. Even a collaborative divorce is emotional; it marks the end of a formal union once believed to be unbreakable. We appreciate the stress of situations like this; we treat our clients like family — with respect, compassion, and patience.

The combination of these three things is the foundation of our firm. We are proud of the service we provide for our clients and the differences we make in their lives.  Take a moment to read their testimonials. We are grateful they took the time to share their experiences.

Managing Collaborative Divorce Proceedings

Understanding What We Will Do For You

The value of experienced representation, during divorce proceedings, cannot be overstated. When you engage Price Family Law as your Colorado collaborative divorce attorneys, you can rest assured that we will provide sound advice and thoughtful guidance as you and your spouse move peacefully toward the next chapter of your lives.  We will:

  • Meet with you to gain an understanding of your current situation as well as your expectations for the process
  • Prepare you for meetings with your spouse and their divorce attorney
  • Identify outside experts (financial professionals, child psychologists, real estate agents, etc.)  to assist in the process if necessary
  • Represent you in meetings with your spouse and their legal counsel
  • Delineate your wants regarding separation of assets and debts, parenting plans, child support and possible spousal support
  • Negotiate differences of opinion
  • Draft documentation clarifying all aspects of the divorce
  • Pursue the finalized divorce decree.

We handle all aspects of your divorce, working with you and your spouse’s attorneys.  It is our job to protect your best interests and guide the process smoothly and respectfully.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Colorado Collaborative Divorce Attorneys Respond to Your Concerns

Questions regarding divorce, even when it is uncontested, are common. While many of the responses are dependent upon the factors at hand, there are a number which can be answered in a more general way.  We have shared those below.

Who is a good candidate for a collaborative divorce?

Couples who have a relatively good relationship with open communication and who agree upon the majority of issues (finances, child custody, etc.) may benefit from a collaborative divorce. This process can also be beneficial to individuals of a high net worth as the process can be more private than one that takes place in a courtroom.

Is a collaborative divorce costly?

In general, collaborative divorces are less expensive than traditional divorces since they avoid both filing and court fees.  Additionally, because the parties enter the process in agreement regarding most issues, these divorces take less time than others, resulting in lower legal fees.

My spouse and I want to keep the details of our separation private.  Is a traditional divorce more appropriate than a collaborative divorce?

No, quite the contrary.  Because a collaborative divorce does not involve the courts, it is easier to keep the specifics of your divorce between the involved parties. This is one of the reasons individuals engage a Colorado collaborative divorce attorney.

What are the primary things my spouse and I should agree on before deciding on a collaborative divorce?

Child custody, child support, separation of financial assets and debts, and spousal support are some of the primary factors that should not be contentious.  Of course, you will not agree on every detail, but your Colorado collaborative divorce lawyer can help negotiate mutually acceptable terms. Finally, you and your spouse should be on good terms — if you are not speaking to each other, this is not the route for you.

We hope the information above helps you to better understand collaborative divorce and when it would be beneficial. Please reach out with additional questions; we are happy to learn more about your personal situation and help determine if this is the right path for you.

Contact Our Colorado Collaborative Divorce Attorneys Today

Price Family Law Is Ready to Help You Move Forward

Ending a meaningful chapter of your life and peacefully beginning a new one can be a lot to handle, especially when it entails divorce. At Price Family Law, we can review your situation, determine whether you are a good candidate for a collaborative divorce, and guide you through the legal process from beginning to end.

We take pride in helping our clients manage their challenging family situations and are well suited to assist you with your collaborative divorce.

Contact us today at 720-615-1750 to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to showing you why so many in the Denver area trust us to represent them. Let us help you with your collaborative divorce. The future is bright and filled with hope and opportunity!

Attorney Trista Price

Trista McElhaney Price is a founding partner at Price Family Law, LLC. She specializes in high-asset divorce cases and legal matters involving complex business and financial issues as well as complex custody matters involving domestic violence, substance abuse issues, and mental health issues. Read Full Bio.

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